Bring back the (pay) wall

Last month, The New York Times announced cutbacks, buyouts and possible layoffs, proving that even it isn’t immune to the collapse of journalism as we know it. Most shocking was the reader outcry after executive editor Bill Keller broke the news. “There is a solution to layoffs – start charging for on-line content, I’d pay…seriously.… Continue reading Bring back the (pay) wall

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Let’s hope no one notices this pay wall here

Given the state of the news industry, what with print on the brink of death and all, we should probably figure out how to make money online. An article appeared on last Friday, saying that between five and 15 publishers will soon start restricting website access to customers, integrating Journalism Online‘s paid content model.… Continue reading Let’s hope no one notices this pay wall here

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Investigative news project to launch in Colorado

Denver television station KBDI is launching a non-profit investigative news unit due to the reduction of significant investigative journalism. The operation, called Colorado Public News, will launch online (a beta version is already up) and later expand to a weekly half-hour program. KBDI hasn’t set a target launch date, but it hopes to raise $400,000 to… Continue reading Investigative news project to launch in Colorado

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”Weasel words. Pin down your source on this”

The Toronto Star has more than layoff issues these days. This morning an unknown Star editor sent Torontoist a copy edited version of publisher John Cruickshank’s memo, headlined, “Why the Star needs its own editors.” The red pen is merciless, but that the memo fails to follow the Star‘s own style guide—well, maybe the paper… Continue reading ”Weasel words. Pin down your source on this”

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Nature of the (media) beast

An RCMP officer’s libel lawsuit against CBC is just one of the unfortunate consequences that come with running a breaking story. Const. Kwesi Millington, the officer whose Taser use led to Robert Dziekanski’s death, claims CBC “defamed him” and caused him “serious embarrassment and distress” with its coverage of the event, according to a story… Continue reading Nature of the (media) beast

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