It’s time we became your homepage again. The 2014-15 Review masthead is set and we’re picking up where last year’s group left off, just on a much better looking, user-friendly website (seriously, try it on your phone or tablet!).
We hope you enjoyed the summer without us breathing down your neck, because starting now we’ll be closely monitoring the Canadian journalism landscape—applauding solid efforts, calling out blunders and analyzing the way we tell stories.
If you spent the last few months compiling lists of issues you want covered, now’s your time to shine! Send us an email to suggest topics, complain or just say hi.
If you really want to get ahead of the game, follow the masthead on Twitter. And if you’re behind, catch up on our most recent issue.
About the author
Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.
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