Even though the Review has moved to a one-issue-per-year publishing schedule, we’re not about to leave you without thorough and thoughtful journalism until March.
Today, we’ve posted senior editor Luc Rinaldi’s take on the Ontario Press Council hearings into the Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail’s reporting on the Ford scandal. (Rinaldi previously wrote a quick take on the hearings for the blog.) Between now and our next issue, we’ll be publishing regular stories about Canadian journalism—next up, we’ll have special projects editor, Shannon Clarke, on the death of Vancouver Sun cartoonist, Roy Peterson.
Stay tuned!
Remember to follow the Review and its masthead on Twitter. Email the blog editor here.
About the author
Yusur was the head of research and writer for the 2014-2015 issue of the Review. She was a second year MA of Journalism student and a freelance journalist with keen interest on politics and human rights. Yusur is a Twitterholic!