A look at where we fail

Ink pen making corrections on typed paper

I’m a journalist. I traded advanced functions and calculus for data management in high school. I use Google when I need to calculate a percentage. I have no idea what constitutes a polar vortex, or the difference between a tidal wave and a tsunami. When reporters proudly say they suck at math, how can we expect competent science coverage?

The Toronto Star is just the latest publication to take a hit for jumping too quickly to conclusions about a complicated science. For years, the Review has been looking at where we seem to keep failing as journalists. Here’s some of our work:

Polar vortex meme shows journalists don’t have the weather down to a science by Christina Pellegrini
When reporters sacrifice accuracy for readership and retweets, they deserve cold criticism

The media diet by Stephanie Maris
Why the wellness beat has become an unappetizing blend of sensational headlines, mixed messages and unhealthy reporting

Hard to swallow by Natalya Schafer
Should there be media guidelines in Canada for reporting on and discussing eating disorders?

The journalist is in—and dishing about doctors by Claire Prime
Brian Goldman, an emergency room doctor and CBC Radio host, examines the medical community in White Coat, Black Art

Showtime for science by Dan Falk
To make it on TV news, scientists must step out of character: If the role is wrong, so is much of the coverage

What we lose when papers give up on beat reporting by Lisa Coxon
As general assignment becomes the norm in newsrooms, publishers save money while the journalism—and the readers—suffer


Thanks to Nic McPhee for the image. 

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About the author

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.

By Cormac McGee

Cormac was the blog editor for the 2014-15 issue of the Review. As a fourth year undergraduate at the School of Journalism, he had a keen interest in sports and business writing. He also hosted the Krates Collective hip hop podcast.
