A Frozen Sanctuary?

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Wikileaks, the non-profit disclosure website, in conjunction with the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, are proposing legislation to the Icelandic government that would offer greater protection for journalists and their sources.

The proposed legal changes would benefit investigative journalists, anti-corruption organizations and human rights groups. Specifics should include legal protection for whistleblowers and other sources.

In a BBC report, Wikileaks editor Julian Assange says the proposal would “protect the press around the world” and turn Iceland into a ‘journalistic haven.'” This, he believes, will boost Iceland’s global image.

Should the law be introduced, it would most likely entice journalists and other organizations to operate online via Iceland. However, if it comes down to needing physical refuge, I’m heading to Aruba, which still has no extradition treaties with Canada and no snow rather than more.

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About the author

Jordan Hay was the Front of Book Editor for the Summer 2010 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.

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By Jordan Hay

Jordan Hay was the Front of Book Editor for the Summer 2010 issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism.
